My, my! A gluten-free bagel that isn’t the size of a peanut and tastes a thousand times better than the ones you buy frozen at the grocery store? A win.

Girl, when I tell you. I wasn’t going to boast much about my bagels, I was going to try and keep it lowkey and be like… yeah, I made some bagels, yeah, gluten-free ones. BUT NO! I CANNOT I MUST SCREAM it from the rooftops!
Say it with me: GLUTEN-FREE BAGELS!
Again for emphasis and dramatic effect: GLUTEN-FREE BAGELS!
Tell me why? (ain’t nothing but a mistake) Tell me why gluten-free bagels at the store are so stingy? It truly impresses me. Because why could I come home and make about a dozen bagels with the gluten-free flour I had in my house. Hmm? Horse radish.
These bagels took me a hot second to make, not because the recipe was hard or anything I just was so stinking busy and also terrified of failure that I put it off for the past year. So, boo me because I could have been enjoying bagels all this time.
All in all, they were quite delicious. They aren’t a New York Style glutenous bagel so you can’t eat one and say that… is nothing like the other. Because it’s true, they aren’t and that’s okay.
But, I can say that these bagels did turn out really, really well. I ended up making two batches and I preferred the first ones. One batch I made with more banana flour and the second with corn flour from a jar that’s been in my cupboard for the past three and a half years. Who knows why no one uses it.
Let’s get into the nity-gritty of my gluten-free bagel recipe.
The Image Gallery of My Gluten-Free Bagel Attempt
The Excursion
Okie dokie, so first off, I started off by basing the recipe off of my favorite gluten bagel recipe from Sophisticated Gourmet. (I love you, whoever you are. I’ve used your recipe so many times. I also have to mention the fact that I never used bread flour because I had no idea where to find it and desperate times lead to desperate measures.)
Sugar, warm water and yeast. They sit all cuddly in a bowl for about five minutes while you flounder around trying to find the rest of the ingredients in your pantry.
I decided that I should definitely put a lot of psyllium husks in these gluten-free bagels. It seemed like a very fall-apart type of recipe, you know? So, for the glue to hold the bagel together: psyllium husks, xanthan gum, and potato starch.
For the general flour I used made a mix of flours. It was banana flour and rice flour for the first round.
Then I mixed everything together with some salt and tried to make a cohesive dough. Thankfully it came together but I was definitely in doubt whether at the end of the process I would receive a gluten-free bagel. It was very scary let me tell you.
It felt very different from gluten dough (obv) but I didn’t let it throw me off. I left it to raise about an hour. It didn’t raise lol. If it did it was a miniscule amount.
I persevered and started making the little round bagels. To my horror they were a little dry and I had no idea whether it would be a good idea or not to add water to the already raised dough or not. So, I didn’t I just squished it extra lol. Very firmly packed bagels lol.
Then came the big test, the truth of the recipe: the big pot of boiling water.
They survived! Weirdly enough, they actually floated. I was sure they’d stay stuck to the bottom and dissolve into an ooey gooey mess.
After taking them out of the water, they rested a hot minute on a clean towel to dry before coating them in bagel seasoning. I put them on parchment paper that was lightly coated in oil. That worked wonderfully, btw.
My oven is not a very smart oven. It’s unfortunately kind of stupid and doesn’t understand the necessity of browning, so my bagels need to be flipped halfway through baking so you don’t eat raw dough.
Can you believe it? A gluten-free bagel!! Gluten-free. I’m so proud of myself really. I just can’t believe I made them and that they turned out spectacular.
Please, please, please try them and tell me how it goes!!

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