Go Ahead is definitely one of my top C-Dramas ever. It’s heart-wrenching in the best kind of way but also so soft and lovely.

Go Ahead is a Chinese drama that came out in 2020. Am I late? Absolutely. Lol. I’m sorry. I remember basically watching the entire drama on Instagram. So… technically, I did watch it as it came out. I just, yeah. I knew the story and knew what was going to happen but there were a lot of details I didn’t know about.
So, to start the story off with a bang, Li Jian Jian is a little girl whose Mom had died while giving birth to her baby brother. Her Dad owns a noodle shop and loves her to pieces.
In comes Ling Xiao. He is the quietest kid you could ever meet, man, and so grouchy and unfriendly. (Y’all know I love my grumpy characters.) He and his parents move into the apartment building where Jian Jian and her dad live.
Long story short, the mom leaves (no one can convince me she is a good person, I still hate her). Not to worry, Jian Jian and her Dad take both him and his dad into their family. They’re adorable, okay? Adorable.
Then, Jian Jian’s dad starts dating a lady who has a son. And lo and behold, she also disappears, leaving her son with Jian Jian’s dad. (So dramatic, I know.)
But this story. Ugh, Go Ahead is about family, sticking together.
The Image Gallery of Go Ahead
Just Another Paragraph About Go Ahead
Well. Go Ahead does have a love triangle. It does, I’m sorry. Haahahaha but it’s not unbearable, okay? I promise.
Going back in time though, I did love the three of them as kids and in high school. I think that was my favorite part. They were so chaotic and cute.
Their dads were so funny. They were kind of like an old married couple.
When Jian Jian grows up, she decides to be an artist. Her older brother, Ling Xiao, becomes a dentist, and her younger older brother, He Zi Qiu, is a pastry chef.
When they’re all back together, they have to figure out what they feel and how to fix what was broken. Ugh. I mean, come on. Why was this so sad and heat-warming at the same time, huh???
I won’t tell you any more because I don’t want to give away too much of the plot but it’s great. Please watch it. And if you do, shoot me a text. I would love to know what you think.
Go Ahead has a happy ending. You know I don’t watch sad endings. I refuse. (Usually.)
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