Are opinions of others really that important? Should they weigh on your mind like they do on mine? What opinions do people have of me?

Normally I’m not one to talk about opinions. I usually do my best not care about other’s opinions not because they aren’t important but if we let ourselves be bombarded by everyone’s opinions we’ll die. Lol.
This morning for example I was thinking of how one person’s comment about my appearance sticks in my mind like super glue. It wasn’t even a necessarily bad comment. She said: You look so nice with makeup! You should put it on more frequently. Something along those lines anyway.
See, the thing is, we aren’t friends, nor do I like this person nor did I ask for her opinion. The way she said it made me feel like I had to wear makeup like it was necessary because I wasn’t looking good enough for the meetings.
When people give me their opinions, such as that one, it makes me want to do the absolute opposite. You want me to wear makeup? Guess what? I’m going to throw it all in the trash. You don’t want me to dye my hair even though it has nothing to do with you? I’m going to dye it bright red. You don’t like that I listen to music? Guess what? It’s my goal to listen to as much music as I can.
Opinions of Others
I’m not saying that my attitude is right. I’m just giving examples of what happens when people give me unasked opinions. I really don’t care. In fact, I’d rather they keep them to themselves.
Which also makes me very afraid to voice my opinions because I don’t want to come across as those lovely people that I love so much.
Sometimes it’s good to say your opinion but I’m never sure where the line is between wanted opinions and thoughts and unwanted ones.
We are all different people and like different things and express ourselves differently. I like that post on Tumblr I think it was where it said if someone can’t change something in that instant, don’t mention it. I do my best to follow that rule because I think it’s very practical and goes along with the golden rule: Do on to others as you’d like them to do to you.
In fact, now I don’t even want to talk about opinions of others. It sucks and I would rather people kept their opinions to themselves.
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