I’ve always loved writing but I haven’t really given it a chance. My plan for 2025 is to be able to post once a week. Here’s to starting to blog in 2025!

My goal for next year is to start blogging and posting more frequently. I guess my problem is I have ADHD and just actually completely forget that I even have a website that I could be working on every single time I’m bored.
Speaking of which I just reminded myself that I actually need to be editing and reading a book. Lol. I’ll get to it after I finish writing this blog about starting to blog in 2025.
One of my first experiences with blogging was back in 2011 when I stumbled upon Yammie’s Noshery. I don’t know why but I fell in love with Yammie and her stories about her family and cooking. I still remember her younger brother nicknamed Boots. Also, I use her grandma’s banana bread recipe religiously. Whenever I have old bananas I get the recipe out.
I don’t actually have a plan for this website. Mostly I wanted to practice writing and writing reviews that maybe will help someone at some point. Who knows? It would be cool if I had like a little niche or following lol but hey that requires effort and actually sitting down and working on the website.
The Tiny Child has been very busy as well so we haven’t been able to post many of her wonderful pieces. She’s has so much talent it’s almost infuriating. Every time she shows me something she’s been working on, I’m flabbergasted. She and her sister and marvels. Quite geniuses. They have such a wide variety of talents. The Tiny Child is learning to play piano and drums and her sister knows how to play the guitar and paints incredible things. One of these days maybe I’ll be able to post something they’ve been working on. They’re so cool.
I know people always like to say consistency is key but literally just the other day I saw a post that said that you should post like 24 pictures in a week to gain a following and I was like?? Hello? What. So, unfortunately I doubt I’ll be gaining much of a following at all because I have nothing to post lol. I have quite a few videos that aren’t edited that I could eventually post but I haven’t gotten around to it.
My sister is getting married in three months and she asked me to make their wedding invites. I have no idea how to make wedding invites. I made around four and then my brain stopped. The pressure is scary lol I don’t know what would be best and also I’ve never organized a party so that combination is quite daunting.
I suggested a potluck. His mother disagreed profusely so my idea was quickly pushed to the side. Not that it really mattered because I’m not the one getting married. I just think it would have been the easiest option.
Also, I think I’m a bit too practical because if I ever get married I’m going to buy a dress off of amazon and call it a day. It seems like too much work to be going dress shopping and getting adjustments. Also, veils aren’t really my thing. My friend used a flower crown that was really cute and sweet. Their whole wedding was my style. Short, sweet, and filled with people they really wanted there.
Going back to the book I have to read, I’m part of this critique partner … club? thing? It quite lovely because I can’t seem to get anyone to read my books and I need outsider opinions and feedback. It’s from Lauren Kay and she’s providing this free partnership for people to exchange books and give feedback and critiques. It’s actually pretty cool and very helpful.
My favorite song this week is Como paso? ft. Joe Jonas. Really nice. I like it a lot.
Year of Oli: Starting to blog in 2025
So, here’s to hoping I will fulfill my goal of starting to blog in 2025 and have the year of Oli commence with a bang. It probably won’t last longer than a few weeks but it’s always worth a try.
Also, have any of you tried blogging on Tumblr? I’m terribly curious about it and I can’t find the posts that I posted? Which I find very strange. Yeah. So if anyone has any tips, I’d love to hear them. Thanks!
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