Oh my gosh, did I love When I Fly Towards You. It was a sweet high school love story and I just ughhhhhhh!!! *Screams*

W hen I Fly Towards You. Top-tier. I don’t trust my ratings because everything is kind of a hit and miss with me, you know? But it was so stinking cute. I was screaming through the last two episodes.
Chinese dramas are notorious for their… long and dramatic dramas. Hahaha but I love them so I can’t complain too much. I tried watching a different Chinese drama right before this one and, let me tell you, it did not hit the spot. No, it did not. But ugh. This one? When I Fly Towards You? It was 10/10.
Y’all know I’m a sucker for grumpy x sunshine tropes. I really am. I can’t help it. The male lead, Zhang Lu Rang, as he’s called in the drama, is quite the serious, studious student that is failing (not really but you know how they put a very high standard on getting high scores in Asia) English.
Su Zai Zai is the female lead and falls in love, or rather, gets a huge crush at first sight on Zhang Lu Rang, also known as Rang Rang. She’s super cute, albeit a little over the top, but she just thinks he’s the cream of the crop. (Which, I do too, so who am I to judge?)
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Just Another Paragraph About When I Fly Towards You
I loved it because there were no love triangles, no cheating, and no over-lengthening over the fact that they were pining after each other. I don’t do love triangles. They stress me out. They truly do. I’m like. Just pick one. Just one. Don’t prolong this. It hurts my soul. Thanks.
The main couple was so sweet. If you’re looking for a story that has a lot of angst, this is not for you. It isn’t. It made me scream and kick my feet at the absolute cuteness overload, okay? Even the second lead couple were cute.
Also, I loved their friend group. It was just so wholesome. I kind of just wanted to squish their cheeks. (Just watching this show made me really, really, really want to write. T-T)
And, I liked the way When I Fly Towards You was filmed. Su Zai Zai makes like… a video diary? Throughout high school and it just ties everything together so nicely. Ugh. I’m still not over it. I just finished watching it yesterday. *Cries* I’m going to watch When I Fly Towards You again.

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