Hiii my gluten-free humans and art enthusiasts!

I’m terribly sorry for the delay in… literally any post. I’ve been slowly losing my mind, which is completely normal for me but also we moved houses, moved areas, my kitchen lighting is absolutely horrendous, I miss my green tiles, and I’m so utterly tired. But! I’m back baby!

So, let’s start off my all my complaints: the electricity in our new apartment is appalling. I never knew that the electricity could be that bad, yet here we are with electricity that goes up and down all day. Try taking a shower. Or rather, how about you don’t. You probably won’t get the water temperature higher than 42 degrees celsius, which is a little higher than body temperature.

I fear for my appliances. What if it’s slowly ruining them and then I have to buy new things??? I’m but a poor soul!

Alas, it is what it is and was what it was until one day I can get far, far away into the European countryside where they have banned American flour.

Speaking of American flour and such. Holy smokes is it hard to travel and eat in the United States of America. Not only does everything have flour in it, it also has SOY in it. Soy apparently really hates me unfortunately and that really, really limits my eating options, you know? So, unless I wanted to eat almonds for the entirety of my trip I had to cough up my hard earned money to buy myself salads and such. Isn’t that sad?

The only gluten-free items at an airport are: salad, almonds(what if you were allergic to almonds??? Then what???), a protein bar (if they’re gluten-free), and some very expensive sausage links. I’m glad my mom bought some snacks because I’m pretty sure it was about 30 dollars just for a bag of very salty almonds and SUPER VERY SPICY sausage links. WHY WERE THEY SO SPICY? That’s what I really want to know.

I was STARVING. Starving, I tell you. And I see the sausage links and think, ah! Protein! But alas, my brain did not factor in the possibility that these… American sausages were from the Devil himself.

They burned.

Every bite was agony.

I like spice. A bit of spice gives it a food a good kick, you know? Oh but, man, oh man. I was suffering, chewing those sausages as fast as I could but their spice lingered all the way down my poor esophagus, burning everything it touched.

Yeah, so. Get plain sausage links. Whatever you do.

Anyway, back to my apartment (or rather my parent’s apartment). The water. The day we moved in, after doing 75 floors of stairs (I thought my legs might fall off, no joke), we opened the faucet to wash our hands only to find… that there was not one single drop of water. Not one. I nearly had a meltdown right then and there.

And the water problem came and went and came and went until finally my dad bought a small water tank that lives on our balcony. I’m very thankful for that tank. Very, very, very grateful.

Thankfully, we settled in quite nicely after the whole hubbub of moving in. Other than the fact that my parents got covid after four years of not once getting the virus that killed thousands.

But hey, on the bright side, I got to go to the United States of America, eat some delicious (probably full of soy) ice cream, my grandma’s cooking, played baseball in the backyard, played golf with apples, jumped on the trampoline in pouring rain, work two catering jobs (my absolute favorite job), do a JCP photoshoot, go camping, got an increase in dosage in my meds that actually seem to be helping??? hello??

Also! PCOS, right? Absolute killer. But! I went to get an ultrasound yesterday and guess what?? Guess whaaaat? I am cyst free! (I didn’t even know that was possible). So yeah! Small wins, right?

In short, I’m back baby!

I’m going to do my best to post consistently. Check out what I and the Tiny Child post here: 



