Lemme tell you something, let me tell you something! I am terrified of this One Year Writing Challenge.

There was this prompt that showed up on Pinterest last week that said: One Year Writing Challenge. 365 days of writing.
Doesn’t that sound both exhilarating and terrifying? So, I’m not going to promise to do that because I don’t quite know if I’m even capable of doing a challenge so long.
I mean, I learned Chinese for 35 days, missed two days and completely lost my streak and haven’t studied since. It’s been about a month and a half since then.
So, can I do a One Year Writing Challenge? I guess we’ll have to find out. I’m terribly curious. I haven’t let myself look at the prompts too closely because I wanted to be surprised and have fresh ideas when the moment came.
I have aprox one week until the start. Terrifying!
I kind of like the idea of writing just random snippets of things. That’s what I do in general anyway. On my Ipad, there are stacks and stacks of notes with small little stories and ideas of new books and things I could write. I’m not horribly nervous but I’m a little scared lol.
What a thing to be scared about! Writing! Anyone can write. I am not saying everyone is a good writer, that is for certain, but everyone has stories to tell.
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