Lemme tell you something, let me tell you something! I am terrified of this One Year Writing Challenge.

So, the writing challenge week 1. We made it!
Let me tell you a little about it and then you can read what I came up with. What I was really struggling with wasn’t coming up with ideas but endings. I’ve always had problems with that, especially because these prompts aren’t meant to be extremely long… or at least, that’s what I believe.
I enjoy just going with what brain tells me to write. It’s fun. Usually I have to force myself to come up with stuff but this has been a fun experience so far. I’ve been writing like five minutes before bed, so, most of the stories are a little out there.
Here are the stories that I came up with during writing challenge week 1.
Prompt 1: Write a story about a character after New Year’s Eve
My throat hurt and I didn’t even stay up that late.
My best friend Damaris was holding a frying pan and waving it around. “You ready for the first breakfast of the year?” She asked, far too brightly.
I shuffled forward and dropped my head onto her shoulder. “Why’d we go to sleep so late?”
“Because fireworks and dogs don’t mix?” She replied, pouring pancake batter into the pan. “Jorgie wouldn’t stop barking until they stopped. So. Yeah. Coffee?”
“Oh, yes. Coffee.” I turned to the expresso machine, giving it a soft pat as I turned it on.
“Shall we get pizza for dinner? The Gluten-free shop downstairs is having a sale.”
I spun around. “Oh my gosh, yes. Their gluten-free pizza crust is incredible. I really want to know how they make it.”
Damaris handed me a plate with a small stack of pancakes. “You better hurry, the bus will probably leave you.”
I grimaced, shuffling over to the table with my coffee in one hand and pancakes in the other. “Do think there will even be buses running this morning? It’s right after New Year’s Eve.”
Damaris slid another plate onto the table next to me. “Worse comes to worse you can use the electric scooter.”
I shuddered thinking of the time I lost the palms of my hands to an electric scooter ride. “Right…”
Prompt 2: Write a Story only Using dialogue
“My darling love.”
“You utter miscreant! Stay away from me.”
“You’ve misunderstood.”
“How could I? It’s impossible.”
“It may seem so, but it is not.”
Side point: I was very tired and didn’t get the opportunity to continue with the writing challenge week 1. I wasn’t sure whether it would count if I added more at a later date so I left it as is.
Prompt 3: Write a story with no dialogue
Hmm. I seem to have missed this day. I was rewriting On the Edge of Falling, so I count it as a valid day. I’ll find a piece that I wrote.
My mother loves music almost more than she loves me. While I was growing up she pushed me into the world of music. I loved every second of it, winning talent show after talent show, time after time, all the way to where I am now; hating life and everything in it.
Prompt 4: Write a scene with no characters
Twisters were fascinating things. The way they rushed through the earth creating new life and pathways.
Many were afraid; afraid of what they would do, what and who it would destroy, whether it would come near.
Twisters were ruthless. They scorned human’s work, breaking it like chopsticks.
Twisters did whatever they liked, in pairs or not, dramatic endings or not.
Twisters were a force of nature.
Prompt 5: Write a story in the style of your favorite author (Which for me is Trenton Lee Stewart)
Sonia Peters was a stout young girl. She lived in a small village in upper Ireland where the sun only shone once a month and it rained daily. Sonia loved the rain but she often found it hard to buy fruit.
She bought fruit on Monday’s and Friday’s for her pet rabbit Sysylong the third. Her mother had bestowed on her the gift of having a rabbit but Sonia never quite figured out how old the rabbit was. when she got the rabbit it was already full grown and several years had passed and Sysylong had not aged a bit.
Sonia was not a talkative child. She lived in the library in her house, sitting in the warm chair with Sysylong. Her mother had disappeared some time ago after giving her the rabbit. Her father whittled at the kitchen table and some around three words a day and they were not I love you.
Sonia had long gotten past the disappointment of her parents and escaped into the world of books. She and Sysylong went on countless adventures together, fighting dragons and eating pie in underground caves.
She never went to school. She doubted her father even noticed that she didn’t attend to the small school on the top of the hill. Her favorite hobby was calculating arithmetic in her head. How she managed to learn that was beyond the lady who worked at the grocery store.
Prompt 6: Write a story in the style of an author you hate
I pulled my long blond hair into a messy bun
I put on hot pink lipstick and mascara.
Then I go down to the kitchen where my mom made pancakes for breakfast again even though she knows I hate them .
Have a good day at school she said
Ugh stop bothering me! I said
Where are your manners young lady? She said
In the trash where you found me. I’m going. I said
(Lol, I both had fun and horrible cringe writing those sentences. It’s one of my biggest fears as a writer to sound like that but unironically, you know?? I really hate that style so much but for the writing challenge week 1… I had to do it.)
Prompt 7: Write a story in first person
I waited, tapping my foot against the cold stone floor. The maids had swept away the remnants of the glass vase that had scattered along the floor, leaving me alone in the grand hall.
The vase wasn’t the only thing that shattered that day. My heart broke as well.
Promethus stopped by only to drop off a small chest. It was a nondescript, pathetically plain box filled with the love-sick nonsense I had written to him.
(It’s a little sad I didn’t get to keep writing this one. I thought it would be a good one to write lol.)
Well! Let me know what you thought of the writing challenge week 1!!
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